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MA Writing Course Acceptance. . .Now What??

MA Writing Course Acceptance. . .Now What??

A few weeks ago I received an unconditional offer to start January 2014 a Master’s in Writing at a local university.  I can’t express enough how thrilled I am just to be accepted.  It’s been months of hard work of gathering references, tracking down GPA’s and old professors (BA Journalism in 1995), and perfecting my writing portfolio. There are three things that drew me to the course in the first place:  1) It assumes you are already a writer, and you want to be published; 2) It’s meant for people who already have a career/job so it’s only one afternoon/evening a week, and 3)The second year is devoted to your work (ie. novel, screenplay, short story collection, etc.) that you want to publish.

The course is also known for being one of the better ones in the country, and it’s conveniently located only 15 minutes away from me.  BUT even though I’ve lived here a little less than nine years in the UK, I’m still considered an international student.  This means tuition is double (but still comparable to an MA in the States) for me.

I’ve applied for the one scholarship I’m eligible for as an ‘international student’ and won’t find out until mid-December if I get it or not.  It’s based solely on two short stories I’ve written. So now what??

Well – I’m grateful for flexibility.  If I get the scholarship, I will start in January.  It’s a no-brainer because the funds are available.

If I don’t, that’s OK.  I can defer to September and work on building my new (weird and wonderful) career as a commercial model, voice over artist, actress (filming some short films these next few weeks) and TV presenter.

So stay tuned . . . I will find out mid-December.

And just so you know what I am planning for my next few posts, I’m going to write about what it’s like having a massive career shift and becoming a model in my 40s- the good, the bad and the ugly along with debunking the misconceptions that go along with this profession.

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